Deep Tissue Therapy
Deep Tissue Therapy is a specialized form of manual therapy that corrects pain and dysfunction by treating trigger points, muscle adhesions, and fascial (connective tissue) patterns. These trigger points, adhesions and fascial patters can form to a specific trauma, postural pattern, or series of repetitive movements over time. Deep Tissue sessions utilize precise treatment protocols to correct these patterns by releasing tight fascia, palpating and decreasing trigger points in tight bands of muscle and releasing areas of stuck muscle in an effective and efficient manner. The muscular areas of pain, and the surrounding muscles that are affected due to biomechanics and compensation for the primary pain, are treated using these protocols. Pressure used during the treatment is based on the client's pain threshold- "no pain, no gain" is NOT the motto. The desired feeling of a Deep Tissue session should be a "good hurt". If too much pressure is applied the tissue will tighten up in response to the pain and it is counterproductive for the client's goals. Deep Tissue Therapy sessions are NOT full body sessions for a 60 minute session unless requested by the client. The work is concentrated on the primary and secondary areas of the body that are causing the pain and limiting range of motion that you are experiencing. For full body sessions, primarily involving lower back/hip pain, the client will be asked to disrobe completely for optimal results.
Deep Tissue Therapy is a specialized form of manual therapy that corrects pain and dysfunction by treating trigger points, muscle adhesions, and fascial (connective tissue) patterns. These trigger points, adhesions and fascial patters can form to a specific trauma, postural pattern, or series of repetitive movements over time. Deep Tissue sessions utilize precise treatment protocols to correct these patterns by releasing tight fascia, palpating and decreasing trigger points in tight bands of muscle and releasing areas of stuck muscle in an effective and efficient manner. The muscular areas of pain, and the surrounding muscles that are affected due to biomechanics and compensation for the primary pain, are treated using these protocols. Pressure used during the treatment is based on the client's pain threshold- "no pain, no gain" is NOT the motto. The desired feeling of a Deep Tissue session should be a "good hurt". If too much pressure is applied the tissue will tighten up in response to the pain and it is counterproductive for the client's goals. Deep Tissue Therapy sessions are NOT full body sessions for a 60 minute session unless requested by the client. The work is concentrated on the primary and secondary areas of the body that are causing the pain and limiting range of motion that you are experiencing. For full body sessions, primarily involving lower back/hip pain, the client will be asked to disrobe completely for optimal results.